Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tickles Are Dumb and 3 Minute Better n' Butter Cookies

Hope you all had a nice relaxing (or amazingly eventful) Memorial Day Weekend! Mine was fabulous, per usual. Nice time with the family and The Best Day of the Year Beat Christmas Day proved to be filling for sure.  As promised, here is the usual picture taken on this particular day, of the entire cousin clan tickling me (there a few things I dislike more than tickling- although I do look quite happy huh?):

Well beyond this day, there are many things I need to catch you up on.  First of all, on Friday after lunch with Lisa I was craving something nice and sweet, and since I am currently trying to do the Only Eat What You Have Challenge , that I created for myself, I decided to try to make one of Tina's 3 Minute Cookie Wonders.  I went for the 3 Minute Peanut Butter Cookie that she recently posted but made a few slight changes to lighten it up even more!

2 tbsp Better n' Butter
1/2 tbsp of Splenda Brown Sugar Blend
1 tbsp Egg Whites
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tbsp of Vanilla Extract

1) Combine the above ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl.
2) Mix ingredients well with a spoon (make sure that the baking powder is completely mixed in)
3) Scrape batter off the sides of the bowl and flatten into a round cookie shape.
4) Microwave for 60 seconds.
5) If the mixture still look liquidy (which it did for me), or not like a cookie, continue to microwave for 60 second intervals until it has formed into a cookie
6) Cool and DIG IN

This cookie really hit the spot and tided me over perfectly before the long, 4 hour, train ride.  Isn't traveling the pits?

Well I believe that these little treat deserve a Star Fabulous Rating.  These are pretty tricky to starfabulously rate because although they are "cookies" they are not like your standard cookie treats.  They do however really satisfy a sweet tooth if you are craving a last minute, easy to whip up, nibble. I am going to give this a Star Fabulous Rating of 5/10. RIGHT down the middle.  Do you know what this means? You've got to try and make it and starfabulously rate it yourself to help me choose :)  I personally was very satisfied by it, but then again, I don't mind health food tasting treats.  Since it only made one serving I was unable to reach to my Tasters to help me starfabulously rate this so I reach out to you.  Give me your opinion love!

Star Fabulous Rating:

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