Morning everyone (or a suppose afternoon- sorry for the late post!) Today was one of those morning where I woke up and everything was great (sorry to all of you who woke up on the wrong side of then bed, I am sure reading this is painful- o well!). Yesterday I got my head fixed. Looks fab- brown is definitely more my color than blonde. The night was followed by a lease signing- WOOT!

That is how I feel about finally having an apartment. Geeze I cannot wait to move in and have it all done with! AND the best part, the kitchen is HUGE (well, huge for NYC)! Good thing since I spend 90% of my time at home in the kitchen!
This am I woke up and started week three of my 5K training! It is going really well and I am loving the feeling of working out in the morning and feeling so accomplished before I even get to the office. Double WOOT!
This am I woke up and started week three of my 5K training! It is going really well and I am loving the feeling of working out in the morning and feeling so accomplished before I even get to the office. Double WOOT!
Definitely in need of a new pair of kicks however. Anyone have a fabulous pair of running sneakers that they want to share?
I am also so happy to say that we have had great response to the Walk to Cure Diabetes! We raised 145 dollars in the first 12 hours. Any support is much appreciated- thank you for those who have given. If you would like to give or join my team you can do so here!
Today after work, Amy and I are going to paint the town red (go to Old Navy) and then sprouts will be made and many a muffin will be created! Stay tuned for the fabulous recipe tomorrow!
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