Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rotting Banana's and Office Breakfast

Hi Everyone! So sorry to take so long to blog about this.  Busy, busy day, lots of apartment hunting going on over here- stressed out Jessica in the house!

Well on Sunday, after bf left and I was a smidge sad, I decided to not let my rotting banana's go to waste and I made a nice little breakfast for the office!  I felt like mini banana muffins was a great treat to bring in and a great way to take advantage of the perfectly ripe fruit. I find that every time I WANT my bananas to be ripe they are border-line green and every time I want my bananas to be perfect to eat, they are brown as mud.  This was a prime example- so Mini Banana Muffins here we come!

These are so easy to make.  The recipe was sniped, and adjusted from Gina's Blog- Gina knows how to do it right!

3 ripe medium bananas
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1-1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter, softened
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 large egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1) Preheat oven to 325°
2) In a medium bowl mix flour, baking
soda and salt 
3) In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy
4) Add egg whites, bananas, apple sauce and vanilla to sugar mixer with the electric mixture
5) Combine the flour mixture and the banana mixer at low speed until combined
6) Spoon batter into pam-ed muffin pans and bake for 20 to 30 mins 
7) Let cool and be the best employee ever and package them for work!

These can definitely be made into a loaf of bread as well- delish.  I promised you guys back in the day when I introduced you to the delicious My Mom Wants Me to Call This Banana-Applesauce-Bread... Bread that I would give you the general banana bread recipe so-  

You. Are. Welcome

I give these a star fabulous rating of 8 out of 10- I wouldn't hate if they were bigger and I personally am not a super banana-y banana bread person! However, the consistency is amazing, they are moist (sorry to all you people who "claim" to hate that word), and they were definitely sweet.

Star Fabulous Rating: 8/10 


  1. If you want your bananas to brown faster, keep them attached to each other AND put them in a brown bag. When you don't want them to ripen, pull them apart. :)

  2. Oh Christina- so wise! Thanks for the advice, Ive always wanted a little more control on my banana ripe-age!
