Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5K Training- Week 2, Day 2, and a Surprise

As you guys already know. I am currently training for a 5K (Woot Woot!) Today was the second day of week two of training and it felt great.  I really enjoy getting up early to get my workout out of the way (or at least, for now I am liking it).  The actual getting up part is a little hard for me still.  Today my alarm went off at 6:30 and I laid in my bed for 20 minutes running through the pros and cons of getting up vs. staying in bed. After 20 mins, I realized that if i was awake enough to have an analytical debate in my head, I really didn't have any reason to not get my bum outa bed and get to the gym. 30 min of training and 1/2 and episode of Hellcats later (no shame), I was dripping in sweat and loving every second of it. Today's workout felt amazing.  It was tough because I was a dumby and didn't turn the air conditioning on in the gym, but not so tough that i felt defeated.  Just well worked and satisfied.

Given my new love for feeling running (NOPE- feeling accomplished) I decided to jump on the bandwagon that my friends are driving (?- do you drive a bandwagon, o well you know what I mean) and I signed up for my first ever 10K as well.  Yes. I am sure I sound crazy. I can barely run one mile and here I am signing up to run 6.2 (6.4? How long is a 10K?- Bad sign?).  Welp. I decided that, in honor National Running Day, I was throwing out my my belief that I cant run and diving in head first :) No time like the present!

Roommate dearest has been begging people to do an athletic event with her and because this one is so far away, I decided that I would join.  I signed up for the NYC Rock N Roll 10K in October!

When did you guys do your first 10K? I hear that adrenalin really helps ya out! Heres hoping.

How are you guys celebrating National Running Day?


  1. YAY 10K!! IM SO EXCITED! FINALLY!! And I also celebrated National Running Day by signing up for a 1/2 marathon - better start training since I can only run about 4 miles right now :)

  2. Oooh! Good luck training for your 10k, and the couch to 5k program. :-) I find the longer (time wise) you run, the more addicting it is. Once I get to running 30-45 minutes at a time, I just can't stop. Before then it's pretty painful. You just have to get over that plateau.

  3. That's awesome! You'll do great! I signed up for a 10K before I could really run that far, but there's nothing like dropping money on a race to motivate you!
